Linear piston dispensing valve in dispensing line linear piston dispensing valve is a servo motor operated capacity dispensing pump, which shows a more improved design for sealant, sealing wall and filling application.
Chinese linear piston dispensing valve is a kind of linear piston dispensing valve designed and manufactured by a professional company. Its precision characteristics and volume accumulation rate are accurately maintained to consider the application of integrated IC modules from ultra large BGA to very small flip.
Thimble dispensing valve
Characteristics of Chinese linear piston dispensing valve
1. Fast refilling of the bottom end of the optimal control
3. It is applicable to the whole process of disassembling and assembling without special tools, so as to carry out quick and light cleaning.
Plunger dispensing valve
4. The double precision is higher than 1%, and the integrity of glue application under the operation scale of various procedures and processes
5. Fast and reasonable loading to minimize the luxury and waste of raw materials
6. High water flow, high production
7. The application characteristics of the capacity dispensing valve coating industry which is really free from the harm of viscosity